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About Me

·220 words·2 mins
Josh Merrill
Josh Merrill

sleepy momo

To me, a truly great life is one absorbed in love and passion.

There are many things that capture my attention but nothing like hacking. Countless hours of study and practice have been dedicated to an ever evolving underworld of bytes. Refinig tactics and techniques, developing tooling, and sharing thoughts with friends powers my individual. If you resonate with this mantra, we should be friends :^).

It is a goal of mine to push the love and beauty for this art forward. There is no stronger connections I have than to those that I share an intellectual bond with.

Outside of self important ramblings, my interests are varied. I have frequently attmpeted (and failed) at consistent reading, recently I have been enjoying great science (fiction) novels such as Rocannon’s World, Dune, and Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs. Although I tend to get ~100 pages in and then put a book down for ~6 months.

I have spent a considerable amount of time thinking about Adversarial Machine Learning (AML) and the applications of privacy and security to our generation defining technology.

pic of 21 in his epic new nike tech

Although I like to portray myself as a smart, well put together individual, this is merely a facade. Much of my time is still spent at the gym, listening to Pop Smoke or Central Cee (top .05% listener on Spotify).